Monday, April 27, 2015

Weekly post #10

This is the one map I wanted to do was to make a weather map interactive. We did some of the features like the time and such but to actually be able to click on the storm I think would be really cool to do!!

Weekly post #9

Here is a map showing the epicenter of the earthquake in Nepal.

Weekly post #8

This map shows the popularity of music in different areas by using the "heat" style of mapping.

Weekly post #7

This shows the zoom in and panning of Europe.

Weekly post #6

This map shows the Auschwitz movement in Germany that has a splash screen to give you a background information on the movement!

LAB 7 FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, April 6, 2015

Final Project Proposal

For my final project, I chose to do a map on something of interest to me. I decided to look into the mapping of hurricanes. I have mapped the intensity of hurricanes that made landfall on the Gulf of Mexico states of the United States from 2005-2010 for my GGS 310 project. I chose this because outside of class most of my friends and family know me as a weather nerd, so following hurricanes and tracking events such as snowstorms and tornadoes are a true interest of mine.

My intended audience is our GGS 411 class and anyone else who looks at my blog. I hope to display the information in a way that someone who is not in the discipline of Geography will understand what the map is about. I figure the best way to show my data and for people to see the intensity difference is to do a proportional symbol map. I hope to find a symbol like the one they use on the weather channel to show the projected path of hurricanes that are a threat to the United States.

The base map I would have to get from ArcGIS; showing a map of the states I need. Considering most Atlantic hurricanes start off the Coast of Africa and end up in the Gulf of Mexico, I would need the states from the Gulf to give a sense of where the storms hit the coast and what state they are making landfall in.

My data set comes from the National Hurricane Center. I decided to go back to 2005 because there is a difference in the number of hurricanes and the intensity of the hurricanes so it will give my map some variation. Then use the years through 2010 to show the size variation in my symbols.  The size of my data is large enough that you get a sense of the intensity of the hurricanes that have hit the gulf coast over 5 years.

As far as production goes my base map is done! That in itself is half the battle! I hope to have most of my animation features done by critiques so I can get an idea of what I should add to finish up my map and put some final polish and touches.

I face similar challenges as with my maps of motion this semester. The other challenge I face is the motion element to my map. I want to make the actual hurricane symbol spin but is that the only thing I do? The other thing I thought about adding is the flooding zone from each storm when it hits the coast? Finally I thought about adding a thunder sound as it spins along the path would give my map an interesting quality.