Tuesday, November 18, 2014

last weekly post #10

For this bivariate map it uses the choropleth and proportional symbol method to show the two different variables. you have the proportional symbol which shows the exact population and then the choropleth which shows the percent of rural population.

Rosenbaum Lab 10

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Weekly post #9 Dot Density

This map shows the tobacco Agriculture in 2002. You can see that the highest crop population is in southern Virginia to Northern North Carolina along with Kentucky. You can tell becase that is where the most dots are.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Final Project Proposal

For my final project, I chose to do a map on something of interest to me. I decided to look into the mapping of hurricanes. I will map the intensity of hurricanes that made landfall on some part of the United States in 2005. I chose this because outside of class most of my friends and family know me as a weather nerd, so following hurricanes and tracking events such as snowstorms and tornadoes are a true interest of mine.


My intended audience is our GGS 310 class and anyone else who looks at my blog. I hope to display the information in a way that someone who is not in the discipline of Geography will understand what the map is about. I figure the best way to show my data and for people to see the intensity difference is to do a proportional symbol map. I hope to find a symbol like the one they use on the weather channel to show the projected path of hurricanes that are a threat to the United States.


The base map I will need I would have to get from ArcGIS; showing a map of the states I need. Considering most Atlantic hurricanes start off the Coast of Africa and end up in the Gulf of Mexico, I would need the states from the Gulf as well as the states on the Eastern Seaboard.  Due to water temperature at the peak of hurricane season, some hurricanes take a turn around the Florida coast and head up the East coast.


My data set comes from the National Hurricane Center. I decided to go back to 2005 because there is a difference in the number of hurricanes and the intensity of the hurricanes so it will give my map some variation. The size of my data isn’t too large but it is somewhat complex, due to all of the different lines crossing paths of pervious hurricanes. Finding which hurricane path is which is going to take some time but the intensities when they make landfall are easy to figure out.


As far as production goes, I ideally would like to have most of the mapping done before we go into Thanksgiving. I don’t want to map all of the data in case you all find some something during final critiques because I don’t want to have to start all over either. I think having lab time in class is going to be helpful as well and should keep me on track for finishing most before going into the holiday instead of having it hanging over me.

I face similar challenges as with my first proportional symbol map. Making sure my legend shows the data set well so that others who aren’t in this class know what each symbol size means. The other challenge I face is in terms of mapping: do I just map where the storm makes landfall or do I map its track as well? If I map the track as well how do I make that different from the map that is on the National hurricane website?



Week #8 isoline map

here is an isoline map showing the temperature difference for the month of May in 2010. the different colors show the either increase in temperature from the average temperature or the decrease from the average temperature.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

weekly post #7

Here is a proportional symbol map. It shows the number of hunting license holders per state in 2013. I think it shows the data well although it is somewhat hard to read in the Northeast because all the states are so close together and the symbols are so big so it is hard to see what symbol represents what state.

weekly post #6 color!

I think this map shows color really well and it easily shows the different parts of the country in different colors.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Lab #6

I do see a difference in my paper and digital maps. For me I think that my paper version you see the drop shadow better, you can see more depth than do you do on my digital copy. My digital copy however I think you see the gradient better than you do on my paper copy. Either one it shows my data well in the equal intervals, and finally moving into color is easier than the grap scale for all the colors of the states!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Weekly post #4

I choose The campus map of Marymount University. On this map its easier to see all of campus because it is a very small campus. it also shows some natural features like trees and bushes.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Weekly post #3


So here is a map that I think takes typography to an extreme. With the text showing the borders of the continents it also shows an aspect of size of the country with the size of the text itself.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Rosenbaum Lab 3

After having to do this WHOLE lab over again..... I'm finally done!

Friday, September 12, 2014

Weekly post 2- Projection

So I tried to find a map to represent bakeries around the world but I didn't want to just post a Mercator Projector because we see those all the time! So for this post I focused more on projection than what is being displayed on the map! So I found a Conic projection of the world! I personally think the conic is the coolest projection! Just to be able to see the whole world from a pole is really awesome

Thursday, August 28, 2014

1st post

a Map of the 2013 Atlantic Hurricane Season
I chose this because I have a big interest for weather and hurricane season.